How to Stimulate Hair Growth

Ask The Pros: How to Stimulate Hair Growth?

Use Hair Oils

The follicles in your scalp produce sebum, a natural substance that lubricates the cuticle and makes the hair smooth. This is essential to keep the hair from tangling and it serves as a barrier that protects the scalp from infection. However, a lack of sebum can cause the hair to become brittle and dry, so it falls out before the growth cycle is complete. Hair oil like the Moroccanoil Treatment Light is an effective way to deliver nutrients to the scalp and speed up the hair growth process. After all, just like your body, your scalp needs nourishment as well, and hair oils act as an effective pre-wash treatment. Giving your hair a boost of oil before washing it can prevent it from drying out. Moroccanoil Treatment Light

Massage the Scalp

Next, it’s important that you’re massaging your scalp. Your hair is an organ just like the rest of your body, so it requires a blood supply to stay nourished and healthy. Naturally, steady blood circulation can mean that your hair has the best chance of growing out stronger, which naturally means that it’ll grow longer as well because it won’t break and fall before the end of the cycle. Massaging the scalp helps stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, allowing the hair to grow stronger. And you can also give the scalp a boost by using the right blend of ingredients. Our beauty pros suggest something like the Aveda Invati Advanced Scalp Revitalizer, which energizes the scalp. Simply take damp hair and part it into sections. Then, apply a small amount to each section of the scalp and massage in circular motions. Aveda Invati Advanced Scalp Revitalizer

Be Careful With Styling Tools

If you style your hair using heating tools on a regular basis, it could be contributing to hair fall. This could explain why your hair isn’t growing out. While it helps you get gorgeous styles, heat styling causes damage if you use it frequently. If you can’t cut on styling, you can try working on the coolest setting so that it does little damage. Or, aim to style your hair quickly so you can limit the hair’s exposure to heat. More importantly, make sure to apply a heat-protectant serum to your locks before using a heating tool. Serums such as the Kerastase Resistance Serum Therapiste are excellent for damaged and over-processed hair. It protects the hair from high temperatures of up to 230°C and helps repair the hair fiber to make it smoother. Since it prevents the hair from drying out, you don’t have to worry about split ends, with lead to hair fall. To use a heat-protectant serum, simply massage it onto the lengths and ends of towel-dried hair. Kerastase Resistance Serum Therapiste

Don’t Stress

You’ll hear most of our beauty pros tell you to avoid stress if you want better skin and hair, but why? It’s not just a gimmick – stress can actually cause your body to age faster, which leads to a bunch of problems like slowed hair growth. When you experience stress, it hinders blood circulation to the scalp. That’s because your body is in fight or flight mode, so it’s focused on surviving. Moreover, being stressed also stops the hair growth cycle, so the follicles go into a resting phase. This causes large clumps of hair to fall out when you’re stressed. Experts recommend including de-stressing activities in your daily routine, like meditation, exercise, and reading. You can also take a supplement like Moon Juice Magnesi Om, to reduce stress levels. It contains magnesium, which helps alleviate muscle aches, soothes bloating, and induces a feeling of calm. Moon Juice Magnesi Om

Take Your Supplements

Your body requires balanced nutrition to not only sustain proper cognitive, circulatory, and digestive functions but to sustain hair growth as well. When you’re deficient in necessary vitamins and minerals, your hair won’t grow as strong. Our beauty pros suggest taking a diet supplement that delivers the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs to ensure better hair growth. Sugar Bear Hair Vitamins are fruit-pectin gummies that contain essential nutrients like folic acid, biotin, and vitamin C, all of which are essential to promote hair health. Sugar Bear Hair Vitamins Vegan Gummies 6


Ensuring better hair growth isn’t always about having long hair, but rather stronger hair that’s resistant to breakage. Our beauty pros suggest using hair oils, massaging the scalp, and being careful while using heat styling tools to stimulate hair growth, but there are various other factors that can affect your hair. To get personalized recommendations for products that met your specific needs, you can speak to our beauty pros!