Moon Juice SuperYou Reviewed

Moon Juice SuperYou Reviewed

First impressions

Likely, you'll first encounter the SuperYou supplement on the Moon Juice website. If you have a taste for aesthetics, you’ll appreciate their brand image and how they bring everything together to present information to the user. Our beauty pros certainly found the website calming and easy on the eyes. Of course, there's more to the site than aesthetics since you can find plenty of information about the brand. The supplement contains four main ingredients: Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, and Amla. These natural ingredients help with reducing fatigue and have some antioxidant effects. As soon as you get your bottle of SuperYou, you’ll notice that the supplement comes in capsules instead of powder. The brand claims that taking the required daily dosage will help reduce stress, boost mood, and improve energy levels.

Moon Juice SuperYou Reviewed

While it would be unreasonable to expect this supplement to alleviate debilitating anxiety, most people face some sort of stress these days. That being said, here’s the Moon Juice SuperYou reviewed by our beauty pros, who face an average amount of stress. For this review, our beauty pros decided to test it for one month. As one bottle contains 60 capsules, it has enough dosages for 30 days (if you decide to take the required dosage of 2 capsules daily). Moon Juice Super You

Testing its Stress-Reducing Abilities

Moon Juice recommends taking 2 capsules in the morning, with or without food, but if you prefer to go slow, try taking one in the morning and one at night to see how you feel. You can't expect to feel much different on the first day, as your body is still growing used to the new supplement. Of course, a few hours after taking the capsules, you’ll find that you no longer give as much of a reaction toward stressful events. As you take it regularly, you'll find that you're much calmer, especially a week after you start. Sure, you will still be somewhat stressed out due to life, but you won’t be so anxious that it’s counterproductive. One of our beauty pros even found that the supplement helped her stay calm in situations when she would usually start getting stressed. One such example is that of getting stuck in rush hour traffic. In most cases, it would lead to one yelling or getting frustrated to the point of feeling sick, but based on our review, the SuperYou formula helped in staying calm and feeling less irritable. By the third week of taking SuperYou, you may start feeling like you’re going through the motions. Instead of overthinking every little thing, you’ll start handling stressors as they come. While the effects are subtle, they’re noticeable. In fact, it’s even more so when you stop taking the supplement. So even though you won’t feel very different in terms of the stress you experience, you may become a lot more aware of the stressors surrounding you. One of our beauty pros found that she became more aware of various stressors as soon as she stopped taking the supplement than when she was taking it.

The Skin-Boosting Claims

While there were no noticeable effects on how the skin looked after taking SuperYou, the calming effect does help reduce the effects of stress, which gives the skin a healthy glow. This can be a real plus point if you experience signs of aging due to high-stress levels. Of course, continued use of the supplement can help improve the skin as it contains certain ingredients to give it an antioxidant boost, which helps alleviate signs of aging.

Final verdict

After having the Moon Juice SuperYou reviewed, it’s safe to say that it’s a fairly effective stress management formula. After trying it for a month, our beauty pros found that they felt pretty good. Of course, part of these feelings can be attributed to doing something consistently, such as taking a supplement for 30 days straight. But if you’re wondering whether SuperYou can make all your anxiety disappear, it can’t. Nevertheless, it certainly helps. That being said, it’s important to acknowledge that factors like maintaining a healthy skincare or hair care routine and working out can impact stress levels as well. If you’re looking to try out wellness supplements but aren’t sure where to begin, the SuperYou supplement is a good idea. But if you need any expert guidance, you can always reach out to our beauty pros for expert advice.