- Your styling habits (over-manipulation, too much heat-styling, brushing too vigorously, towel-drying, wearing tight elastics and hair ties)
- Your hair habits (not trimming your split ends, over-washing, not giving your hair enough moisture/only relying on protein, and chemical treatments, like perms, relaxers, color-treatments, etc.)
- Your own health (stress, diet, age, genetics)

Hair Breakage? Heres What To Do
Sophia Ahmed
Unless you were born with super-strong, totally invincible, can-take-anything hair, your hair is almost always going to be a fragile newborn baby at some point, whether that's from too much heat styling, color-treating, or aggressive towel-rubbing. And yup, hair breakage super sucks. But: That doesn’t mean you just gotta suck it up or ditch your hair straighteners and curling irons forever. There are several ways you can avoid and prevent split-ends and hair breakage, whether that’s through lifestyle changes (like, stop putting your wet hair in a tight ponytail, k?), or actual hair breakage treatments (which I kindly found and broke down for you, below). Hair breakage can be caused by things like over-styling to not getting enough hair trims, But the full list of things that can cause breakage is, to say the least, lengthy (as I said, hair is a baby), so here’s a quick glance at some common reasons your hair might be breaking.