Patricks - Men's Skincare We Trust

Patricks - Men's Skincare We Trust

A Belief that Men Can Do Better

One of the core philosophies that make Patricks stand out from other brands has a lot to do with how it started. Patrick got the idea for the brand while he was in his Sydney salon. He was checking one of the products they were selling and decided to try it himself. Patricks Fw1 Face Wash When he was done trying the product, he wasn't too impressed with the results. More importantly, he thought that men could do better. He knew that men could do better. So he decided to start his own skincare company to give men the care they deserve. Soon after his disappointing trial of one of the skincare products he was selling, he quickly put plans into motion for Patricks. He called a formulations lab and soon called his mother for a loan of $5,000. And with that, he was able to start his own company. The real selling point of Patricks, and the main reason why our beauty professionals especially like their products, is because they believe that men deserve better. Therefore, they strive to offer men the best that they can get when it comes to skincare.

Working with the Best that the Industry Has to Offer

The journey that Patricks has had to become one of the biggest names in men's skincare is very inspiring. Patrick wants to offer men better skincare products than they can currently find, which is why he has partnered with some of the best companies and individuals to make that statement ring true. Out beauty professionals were impressed to see that Patricks had partnered with one of the biggest formulations companies in New York. The company has worked with a range of other skincare brands to help them develop products that their company could be proud to sell. Much like Patricks, they have an eye for perfection and don't like giving their clients lazy work. He is also working with one of the world's foremost researchers in genetics and neuroscience. With the help of the formulations lab and the researcher, he is working to create a skincare range to help reverse the effects of aging. Of course, that is just one of the many types of products that he is working on, and their motto of we can do better rings true throughout every project he starts.

High Formulation Standards

Patricks' skincare solutions make a great addition to any man's skincare routine. They are easy to use, and they cater to most skin types. However, possibly one of the best things that our beauty professionals liked about Patricks was that they had high standards when formulating their products. Patricks Am1 Anti Aging Moisturizer 2 Patrick believes that "we can do better," and he isn't always talking about men. He also means his company and the products that they have on offer. He wants to do better, which is why he has a strict anti-cruelty policy when formulating products. None of his products or ingredients are tested on animals at any point in the production phase. He also has very specific guidelines on using vegan-friendly products. All of his company's products are 100% vegan friendly, which caters to an even larger audience. He doesn't want men to be excluded in any way from what he has to offer, which is why he is so committed to upholding these different standards.

A Philosophy of Perfection

Another thing that sets Patricks apart from other skincare companies is its philosophy of perfection. The "we can do better" motto rings especially true here since they want to give their customers the best. Our beauty professionals were especially surprised to hear that they have sometimes canceled products outright because they didn't live up to expectations and are willing to do everything they can to ensure their company gives the best skincare products.


Our beauty experts have been thoroughly impressed by the products that Patricks has put out recently, as they offer the best results without any hidden complications. Not only do they work with various skin types, but they will never promise what they cannot offer. That is why Patricks is careful with what it brings into the market since it only wants the best that people can get.